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The Fearless Brian Fox

He's from Deerfield, Florida but he is also considered a local rider in Raleigh, North Carolina. Brian Fox has been riding BMX since 2008 and we've seen his amazing progress during the last few years. He just accomplished one his dreams: being invited to the Pre-qualifying X Games 2017.

Brian has been a DDASC supporter from the beginning. Who has met him knows it's hard to be serious and not to laugh around him, but for this interview he decided to dive in through his time as a professional training in DDASC.

AB: What brought you to the Complex and why do you want to ride it?

BF: The location, vibe, and the quality of the entire facility were definitely the main reasons for making the big move here to NC!

AB: Do you have a favorite memory of DDASC?

BF: My favorite memory at DDASC is definitely from the Complex AM. We have such a strong, upcoming, extremely welcoming crew at the Complex. Something that's very difficult to find these days at a local skatepark, especially one of that caliber.

Brian announcing at the 1st BMX Complex AM 2016

AB: How important is it for the next generation of riders to have access to a training facility like this?

BF: It is extremely important to have this kind of facility as an upcoming rider. From personal experience, I can say it really helps to motivate you and hone your skills. Over the past three years of riding at DDASC I have progressed a substantial amount. So much, I have now been invited to ride at the X Games! DDASC has all the tools a young up and coming rider needs to excel in their action sport.

Brian's excellent performance in national, and international contests have given him the recognition of tons of BMX fans around the world. The crowd goes crazy with his fearless tricks and his awesome riding style, so be sure to keep up with him through any of his social networks. Believe it: this guy is wild!



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